Flat Mechanical Energy
Our unique shaft and paddle design strikes the drywall in order to separate the gypsum from the paper backing.

Centrifugal Force
The centrifugal force inside the machine pushes the gypsum powder through the screens which discharges out the bottom.

Cyclonic Air Flow
The spinning shaft creates a cyclonic air flow to push the recovered paper out the end discharge.
What goes in.

Dry Material
For the GypStream to operate at top efficiency, the incoming drywall must be dry. Free moisture should stay below18% to prevent the screens from blinding over.

6" Minus
To maximize throughput and separation efficiency, incoming drywall should be 6" minus. Crushers can be used for size reduction, or simply running over the drywall with the payloader or crushing with the grapple does the trick.
What comes out.
Even Particle Sizes
The recovered gypsum is clean and particle size is evenly distributed. Over 90% of the gypsum is a fine powder, less than 1mm in diameter.

99% Clean
The GypStream achieves over 99% separation of gypsum from the paper backing, and the recovered gypsum has less than 1% paper by weight.